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Whilst appearing on the front page of the states propaganda channel BBC website alongside the likes of Johnny Marr was a significant day.. as was the subsequent video for Take A Look Inside being played on Bubble Hits TV (or so they tell me as I don’t have a TV and don’t want one-see That’s Why Nothings Changed video on You Tube) I also boycott Tax dodging Top Shop stores as well- so didn’t see it being played in there as it was play-listed on their instore TV along with all the Fitness First gyms.. Other notable events saw the headline slots at the Night n Day ,Cavern,support slot for Neville Staples at the Darwen Festival and playing on the same stage of where Madness shot their video for My Girl at the Dublin Castle in Camden.. BUT

The things I perhaps remember most fondly are different.. When coming off stage after the Darwen Festival and having just played to over a 1000 plus crowd –the legendary ex Specials Neville Staples commented ‘’ Nice set, I’ll watch out for you guys…”- as I then continued to make my way to the barriers in front of the stage to watch the next band on I was met by a young mother and her infant daughter who handed me a water pistol.. ‘’ she wanted you to have that for your next time on stage, perhaps you could use it- we like the message that your music has…’’

I also particularly remember the set we did on a Friday night at Ormskirk Comrades Club. The whole of Year 10 of the local school get a free night of entertainment as they get to see the latest up and coming bands who are passing through town.. We did a special night to commemorate the 4th anniversary (November 5th ,2005) of the death of hunger striker and Animal Rights activist Barry Horne. The gig went superbly and was brilliantly received- after the gig many people came forward to take the free CD singles we were giving away and a few days later I received 2 separate emails from people who had said they were going vegan and going to join the AR cause and start getting involved in activism…

In 2004 I was one of the few people selling the environmentally friendly fabric Hemp in the t-shirts that were available on our website.
And I was also a ground-breaking pioneer in being the first to make t-shirts available in the UK made from Bamboo – the most eco-friendly of all materials. – bringing them in first from Canada and later from Deutschland. To this day the only threads supplied for any Alternative Influence shirts are either Hemp or Bamboo-the most environmentally and sustainable products that are available.  
Our MySpace pages had over 3000 followers and were able to reach people in the U.S.A and across Europe. We had no facility for taking payment and secondly had no interest in any commercial enterprise solution.
The whole intention of Alternative Influence was to connect with people, and to make them aware of the music that was being created and of the art that was associated with it, Quite simply – If someone wanted a CD, DVD, t-shirt or badge I was more than happy to send it them for FREE and simply requested that they supply an email address to keep them informed of future releases and on-going political campaigns.

In 2005 and nearing the end of the recording of the Album- Apathy, Cynicism & Complacency are the enemies of change- I then on September 11th, became Vegan. So ‘9/11’ is a date for me that I place far more significance on than any ‘Birthday’ that the Crown Corp likes to peddle with its chattel paper Birth Certificate control mechanisms or of any ‘anniversary’ of any events that took place in the USA Corp – it has far more meaning as becoming Vegan spelt the birth of total ethics and health- For the People, For the Planet, For the Animals. And now in 2019 we are thankfully seeing an ‘explosion’ of Veganism as it has become such a big part of the mainstream culture! The environmental effect on the planet from non-vegan diets is the most serious of all peoples actions with methane produced from animal ‘livestock’ contributing more to global warming and detrimental climate change than the aggregate emissions output of every car, truck, bus, train or aeroplane added together.. See links under our You Tube channel links.

Lastly I would say that every time I received any acknowledgement from anyone in regard to Alternative Influence- be it at a gig, taking a CD or DVD, or taking a t-shirt, badge or sticker.. the pleasure and privilege was mine- because for moments there was difference ,changes forced in time, the feelings that you shared with me, was sustenance sublime..

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to receive the Album-

Apathy, Cynicism & Complacency are the enemies of change  (or communicate for any other purposes) email:

Album is FREE, Limited to one per order, we simply require your email address for our mailing list . Includes a free pin badge as shown below plus 8 page inset booklet with full artwork and lyrics.

Original award-winning website is now back on-line!http://alternativeinfluence.co.uk/